Corporate Governance

Hamburg Commercial Bank commits itself explicitly to the principles of responsible corporate management and governance in the interests of creating added value in the long term. Consequently, the Bank as an unlisted company voluntarily recognises the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC).

In accordance with Section 161 of the German Companies Act, the Management Board and Supervisory Board of a listed public company must declare once a year the extent to which their corporate governance conforms to the GCGC or deviates from it. Unlisted companies such as Hamburg Commercial Bank are not bound by such an obligation. Since the principles of good corporate governance have been part of how the Bank sees itself for many years, the Management Board and Supervisory Board support the objectives of the German Corporate Governance Code and issue a Declaration of Conformity to the Code voluntarily each year. Hamburg Commercial Bank is working towards conforming to the GCGC as far as possible. In the current Declaration of Conformity the Management Board and Supervisory Board state those provisions of the Code from which the Bank currently still deviates.

The contact person named in the infobox on the right-hand side will be happy to answer any questions shareholders, staff members and the interested public might have regarding corporate governance.

For the financial year 2017 for the first time we published our report on Corporate Social Responsibility in accordance with §§315b, 315c in conjunction with 289b - 289e HGB. You can find the CSR Report under group reporting .
