HCOB conducts all customer survey

Our comprehensive customer survey will start on 21.9.2022 and will be conducted by pm+. Please take your time to complete the questionnaire either by telephone or online. Your evaluation will be kept confidential.

All clients from the Bank's market areas, i.e. Commercial Real Estate, Shipping, Corporate Clients and Project Finance, will be contacted by our market research institute produkt & markt (pm+) with a request to participate in the survey.

In the survey, the three dimensions

  • "Quality of customer relationships" with fixed KPIs such as the nps (net promoter score) or BIS (business intensity score),
  • "Quality of service" and
  • "Quality of products" as well as the importance and classification of ESG will be touched upon.

The survey can take place by telephone or by online questionnaire, just as the customers decide. The survey will take about 15 minutes and will be live for a period of three weeks.

"We expect the results of the survey to be available around the beginning of November. After that, we will use these results to derive concrete measures to further improve the service for our customers," says Dr Benno Kammann, Director Strategy. "The survey is an important building block, not least in our own ESG efforts at the bank’s level.

"Our aim is to create clear added value for our clients, which is why we want to know exactly what experiences they have had working with HCOB and what their expectations for the future are," adds Dr Meike Ahrends, Senior Expert Strategy.


Dr. Meike Ahrends | +49 40 333311118 | meike.ahrends@hcob-bank.com

Claudia Lemlihi | +49 151 543618869 | claudia.lemlihi@hcob-bank.com