Code of Conduct & Code of Diversity

Code of Conduct

The key to the sustainable success of Hamburg Commercial Bank AG is a strict adherence to the rules and standards that apply to us. Especially for us as a privatised commercial bank, it is important that all market participants can be assured of the personal integrity of our employees and the integrity of the bank.

Extensive rules of behavior apply to Hamburg Commercial Bank AG, of which all of its employees have to comply with. These are summarized in the Code of Conduct . Each of us is required to review, acknowledge and understand our Code of Conduct .

Besides the classic compliance rules, the Code of Conduct also covers requirements applicable to our behavior in the tax, finance, risk management, data protection and communication areas. Moreover, the Code of Conduct contains standards of behavior that we have to adhere to in day-to-day dealings with our colleagues and customers, as well as to be able to satisfy our social responsibilities.

The Code of Conduct contains requirements concerning the behavior in the following areas that are essential for Hamburg Commercial Bank:

  • Integrity
  • Clients, employees and society
  • Risk management, finance and taxes
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Insider information and customer protection
  • Anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and financial sanctions
  • Other criminal activities / Anti-financial crime
  • Information security, data protection and communication

Code of Diversity

HCOB’s Code of Diversity renders the Bank’s values and diversity principles visible internally as well as externally. Within the Bank we consciously welcome diversity and perceive it as a strength. At the same time, we oppose any form of exclusion.

HCOB employees have developed our Code of Diversity and the Management Board has adopted it. The Code of Diversity is our guideline for applying diversity, fairness and equal opportunities.

In April 2020, the Bank signed the Diversity Charter, making its values clear to business partners and applicants.

Diversity has to be lived. It is not just a matter of having certain rights, they also need to be exercised. This only works if there is a high level of acceptance within the company. This is how it works for us – it’s the standard by which we measure ourselves.

The HCOB Management Board together with the management and employees has adopted a longterm commitment to diversity. Diversity is part of our identity.
